MobileSitter GmbH Apps

MobileSitter 1.1
MobileSitter protects passwords, PINs and TANlists using an innovative technique that offers higher securitythan conventional password managers. At the same time, MobileSitteris as easy to use as conventional products. Hackers get nuts due toMobileSitter's resistance against typical attacks (e.g., dictionaryand brute-force attacks). Such attacks use trial and error to findthe correct master password. Technologies like cloud computingallow to tremendously speed-up these attacks. Hackers do not evenhave expert knowledge to run the attacks. Many of these supposedsecure password managers are actually easy prey for hackers, evenif they use strong encryption algorithms such as AES, sinceimportant security assumptions for using these algorithms have beenneglected by conventional products. MobileSitter is different.Here, strong cryptographic algorithms are applied in such way thathackers do not get any usable feedback. Thus, when usingMobileSitter the stored passwords are secure.Besides a higher security level, MobileSitter providesadditional features such as secure random password generation and abackup and restore function to provide additional reliability ofthe stored secrets in case of defect, loss, or theft. MobileSittercombines higher security with convenience functions and easy to useinterface.MobileSitter was developed by the Fraunhofer Institute forSecure Information Technology SIT in Germany.SECURITYMobileSitter provides resistance against dictionary and bruteforce attacks. Nowadays, hackers usually test huge amounts ofpossible master passwords in order to get to the stored secrets.When using conventional password managers to encrypt data, a hackercan detect if the attempted attack was successful even without thenecessity of testing the decryption result as a password at therespective service.MobileSitter is different. Here, an attacker cannot decide ifthe attempt was successful when looking at the decryption results.MobileSitter accepts all master passwords. It decrypts the storedinformation on the basis of the given master password, irrespectiveof whether or not it is correct. However, the software misguidesattackers by displaying wrong passwords.Every decryption result looks as if it could be correct. Forexample, if a hacker decrypts a PIN assigned to a debit card usinga master password, the decryption result that is returned willalways be a four-digit number combination. From an attacker’s pointof view - no matter whether hacker or hacking software - it isindistinguishable if the correct master password is found or not.For hacker or hacking software every decryption attempt seems to besuccessful.To determine whether a decryption result is correct, the hackerhas no choice but try to login with result at the respectiveservice. There, however, additional security mechanisms of theservice take effect after a defined amount of failed logins, e.g.,three in the case of a debit card.Further information can be found on http://www.mobilesitter.deFEATURES- Use of established cryptographic standards: AES, PBKDF2,ISO/IEC9797-1- Group your secrets into folders- Alphabetic and user defined sorting- Search function- Easy data backup (Email, USB mass storage mode)- Encrypted backups- Auto Log-Off- Auto deletion of clipboard- Easy master password change- Easy device replacementIf you like MobileSitter, we would be happy if you write areview. Your feedback is always welcome. Please contact us toreport any questions, comments or suggestions. Within theMobileSitter app use "Options" > "Send email" for contact.